Resources & Services for Educators

For Educators

Educator Library Card

Any full-time or part-time teacher living or working in Upper Arlington can apply for an educator card.
This privilege extends to homeschoolers in the Upper Arlington School District and those teaching in a public, private or parochial school in Upper Arlington.

Bring in proof of employment to receive an Educator Library Card.

Custom Material Selections

Need books for an upcoming unit and don’t have time to search for them? Submit a Custom Material Selection request (online, in-person, or over the phone), and in 5 days you’ll have up to 30 books waiting for you! Check out the Custom Material Selections page for more details.

Assignment Alerts

Do your students have an assignment coming up, and they need to grab some books from the library? Give us a head’s-up and we’ll have a cart of books about the specific topic available for them at the main UA Library. Check out the Assignment Alerts page for more details.

Booktalk Visits

Booktalks are a great way of encouraging reading, introducing different genres, and to support social studies units. These short, book “commercials” are provided by professional library staff either in the library or in your classroom. Contact Brittany Harrison ( for more details.

eBook Presentation

Professional library staff are available to visit your classroom to teach the students and staff how to access and download e-content such as e-books and audiobooks. Contact our Adult department for more info.

Scheduled Library Tours and Visits

Staff-led tours are available at each UA Library location. For Lane Road Library contact Laura Erwin (; for Miller Park Library contact Sarah Manley (; and for the Tremont Library contact Brittany Harrison (

UA History/Digital Archives Programming

The UA Archives coordinator is available for class visits and presentations about Upper Arlington’s history. In addition, tours of the library’s Ohio Room, UA Archives digitization office, and UA Historical Society’s archives can be requested. Please provide four weeks’ notice for all field trips and presentations. Contact Sara Nagai ( for more details.

For Students

Library Card Sign-ups Through the School

The library organizes library card drives at the beginning of each school year, for most UA schools. If your school is interested in a library card drive please contact Kayla Toon, (614) 486-9621, Ext. 253 for more info.

E-Cards for Students

Does a student need access to research databases but doesn’t have access to a library card? An E-Card might be the best solution! E-Cards provide access to virtual resources immediately upon application. Go to our card application page and select “E-Card” on the registration form.

Service Opportunities

We provide opportunities throughout the year for students to earn service hours. Check out our Volunteer page  for more info.

Research Databases

The UA Library has access to many reliable databases with resources for students of all ages. Learn more about where to find primary source documents, scholarly articles, literary criticism, and biographies, or find resources for projects on controversial issues, current events, states and countries, and much more. Contact Erin Hendricks, (614) 486-3342 .

Database Training

If students are doing a project that uses a UA Library database, a reference librarian can help provide training on search strategies. Contact Erin Hendricks, (614) 486-3342.

© 2025 Upper Arlington Public Library
2800 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, OH 43221 • (614) 486-9621