Meeting Rooms & Study Spaces
Meeting Rooms

We offer well-equipped public meeting rooms for nonprofit meetings. Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis and can be reserved no more than 8 weeks before your meeting date. All meetings must be free of charge and open to the public. Please see our meeting rooms rules for details. Call the Marketing Department at (614) 486-9621, ext. 250 for more information.
To book a room click on “Reserve Now” below.
If you need help locating or accessing your meeting room, please check with the front desk. Be sure to include set up and cleanup times when scheduling your meeting. All meetings must end 15 minutes before Library closing time. All rooms are AV equipped (for details see below).
Meeting Rooms Terms of Use
The Upper Arlington Public Library follows all applicable laws and legal decisions regarding the use of public space by outside groups. Any request for use of meeting space may be referred to the Director for approval.
When they are not scheduled for Library functions, Library meeting rooms are available for use without charge by organizations, individuals and businesses provided the meeting does not involve solicitation. Meetings held at the Library must be free and open to the public.
Meeting rooms are available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. Acceptance of a meeting room request does not imply the Library’s endorsement of the viewpoints of the requesting group or individual.
Organizations will be assessed for any damage to facilities, furniture or equipment incurred during the period of use.
Organizations or individuals using the meeting rooms agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Library and their agents and employees from all liability, claims, damages, or costs, for or arising out of use of meeting rooms, whether it be caused by the negligence of the Library or either party’s agents or employees or otherwise.
All visitors using Library facilities are required to abide by the rules and regulations established by the Library. Anyone failing to comply with these rules may be denied future meeting room privileges.
- Meeting rooms must be reserved through the Library’s website at
- The meeting rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Library meetings take precedence over all other use. The Library reserves the right to change meeting rooms or cancel use of meeting rooms by an outside organization if the Director or Board of Trustees determines the space is needed for Library purposes.
- No solicitation of any kind is permitted.
- Meeting rooms are not available for receptions or private parties.
- Meeting rooms may be scheduled no more than 8 weeks in advance.
- The meeting rooms are available for use during regular Library hours only. All meetings must end 15 minutes before Library closing time.
- Groups cannot occupy their scheduled meeting room before or after their reserved time
- Persons scheduling the meeting rooms must be at least 18 years old. An adult must be present during the meeting.
- Adults at a meeting must assume responsibility for children in their group. Children must not be left unattended in the Library while their caregivers attend a meeting.
- Cancellation of a meeting should be given to the Library 24 hours in advance.
- Each group using a room is responsible for clean up and returning the room to its original set up.
- Certain audiovisual equipment may be available for use during meetings. Equipment must be requested when a meeting is scheduled.
- Light refreshments are permissible in meeting rooms. Groups must provide all their own supplies.
- Groups may not word publicity to imply that the Library is a sponsor of the event or use the Library as a contact for more information.
- Groups are responsible for transporting, setting up and operating their own equipment.
- Groups may not store or leave their equipment at the Library overnight.
- Groups must remain in public areas of the Library and avoid staff-only areas.
- Library staff members will not be responsible for relaying messages to guests attending meetings in Library meeting rooms.
- There is no smoking, electronic cigarettes/vaping, or alcoholic beverages in the Library at any time.
- Events held in the Library’s meeting rooms must be conducted with a minimum of noise so as not to disturb other Library patrons. Meetings and breaks are restricted to the scheduled rooms.
- Meeting room guests are not permitted to tack, tape or post any signs or materials on meeting room doors, walls, windows or elsewhere in the Library. An easel is available on request.
- The Library will not be held responsible for any personal items lost or stolen before, during or after a meeting.
- Any group, organization or individual failing to comply with these rules may be denied future meeting room privileges. Reinstatement of privileges can be granted only by action of the Upper Arlington Public Library Board of Trustees.
Study Spaces
Study spaces including carrels, tables and booths are located in the Adult Department of the Tremont Road Library, the Hutson Reading Room, and the Research Department. These spaces cannot be reserved.

Meeting Room Technology
The Tremont Road Friends Theater and Room B are equipped with a retractable screen and projector, in-room PC, Blu-ray player and HDMI input. Microphones are available in the Friends Theater only, upon request.
Meeting Room A at the Tremontr Road Branch and the Lane Road Branch meeting room feature large smart TVs and HDMI connections. You can connect your own laptop using HDMI or cast your screen onto the TV via WePresent software.
For printing, please refer to our Printing & Copy services page.
Gather your group at the Library
Reserve your room online today, or call for more information.
2800 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, OH 43221
(614) 486-9621
1945 Lane Road, Upper Arlington, OH 43220
(614) 459-0273
1901 Arlington Ave, Upper Arlington, OH 43212
(614) 488-5710
Monday – Thursday: 10am – 8pm; Friday: 10am – 6pm; Saturday: 10am – 5pm; Sunday: 1pm – 5pm