Youth Service Rules & Safety Procedures

Youth Safety Procedures

Welcome to the Youth Department! To ensure fun and safety for all, please be involved in helping our space to be an enjoyable experience. The safety of children is of great importance to the library, and the responsibility for the safety and behavior of the child(ren) rests with the caregiver. The Upper Arlington Public Library will contact a caregiver or guardian should a child visiting the library become involved in an unsafe situation for themselves or other patrons.

Youth Services Rules

  1. If you have an empty stroller, wagon, or large item, please park in the designated areas to allow room for play and browsing
  2. Children 6 years and younger should be within eyesight of a supervising caregiver
  3. Please bring any “tasted” toys to staff for cleaning
  4. Refrain from climbing on structures and toys
  5. Snacks and drinks can be enjoyed at any table except for computer stations
  6. Help clean up space before leaving

Youth Using the Library

Ages 0-6 must be under supervision of a caregiver age 14+ at all times.
Ages 7-9 must have a caregiver age 14+ in the library at all times.
Ages 10-17 may use the library on their own, but their caregivers are responsible for their behavior.

Unattended Children

The library will contact the caregiver/guardian of a child without adequate supervision. Library staff will ask children to leave the library when:

  1. The child is disturbing patrons or staff with excessive noise, inappropriate language, horseplay, or the child lacks the ability to correct behavior a staff member has deemed inappropriate.
  2. The child is endangering the well–being of themselves, other children, patrons, or staff at the library.

If the child is under 12, the library will contact a caregiver to pick up the child.

At closing, children (ages 12 and under) who do not have transportation will be asked for the telephone number of a caregiver who can pick them up. Library staff will stay with children for up to 15 minutes after closing. If a caregiver has not arrived at that time, staff will contact the police department.

If a child is injured at the library and no caregiver is present, appropriate emergency services (police/medical) will be contacted. Every effort will be taken to contact the caregiver directly. Staff members will complete a report of the incident as soon as possible for our records.


Youth are welcome to visit the Youth Department to use one of our six computers; they may also use any computers throughout the library. To access, please bring your library card number and PIN . If the child does not have a card, a guest pass can be given out with the consent of a present caregiver/guardian.

Headphones are available for youth to borrow at the Youth Desk. We ask that when you are done with headphones, you return them to the desk for the next patron.

© 2025 Upper Arlington Public Library
2800 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, OH 43221 • (614) 486-9621