Legal Resources

State, Federal and Local laws provide the framework within which we live our lives. Marriage, divorce, aging, death, real estate, consumer protection, immigration, business, employment, crime, and taxes are some of the situations in which we find we need legal information.     Whether we are just getting clarification or preparing to consult a lawyer, the following […]

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Political Fact Checking

Are your elected officials being honest in their statements? Are things people say about a certain politician true? It’s important we don’t jump to conclusions and that we learn the facts so we can effectively vote in elections, form political opinions, engage in informed debate, and hold politicians accountable. Luckily, there are many reliable sources […]

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Small Business Sourcebook

Designed to facilitate the start-up, development and growth of specific small businesses, as well as similar listings for general small business topics. Entries are provided on a state-by-state basis; also included are relevant U.S. federal government agencies and branch offices.

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