Explora High School

Searches the contents of several databases at once, so high school students can find information and primary source documents on topics including language arts, business, careers, technology, science, math, and more.

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Modern Sports Around the World

Focuses on the history, geography, sociology, economics, and technological advancements of fifty of the most popular sports around the world, providing information on global migration, economic forces, media influences, political environment, pop-culture inspirations, scandalous moments, and key individuals.

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Online Learning

Explore resources for learning on your own time, and at your own pace. There are many free or UAPL-provided resources available to those who want to educate themselves, whether it’s for developing job or technology skills, getting ready for a school or career exam, or just learning more about an interesting topic. For more information, […]

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Online Privacy

You might be surprised to discover that advertising companies are tracking you online – and you may be shocked at what they know about you. In addition to advertisers, social media companies and the NSA may also be tracking you online. Learn more about how to protect your privacy, whether you need to change your […]

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