Library Card Application
Thank you for your interest in joining Upper Arlington Public Libraries!
All residents of Ohio are eligible to apply for a free library card. To receive your card, please accept the terms of our Borrower’s Agreement, complete the application form and bring your photo ID with proof of current address to the front desk in any of our library locations. Read our loan, fees and fines policy.
Get an E-Card for Instant Access
If you don’t have a UAPL library card yet and you would like to dive right in, an E-Card is for you. Our E-Card gives you access to all our digital services. You can always upgrade to a full library card later to borrow print books, DVDs, CDs, vinyl and more!
- Start by clicking ‘Get a Library Card.’
- Give our Borrower’s Agreement a quick nod.
- On the application, tick the ‘I would like an E-Card only for now‘ box.
- Fill out the form, hit submit, and voilà – your E-Card number appears!
- Keep an eye on your inbox for a friendly email with your E-Card number.
- You’re all set to dive into the digital realm. Happy borrowing!

Borrower’s Agreement
I will:- Adhere to library policies.
- Be financially responsible for the loss or damage of all materials borrowed on this card.
- Report a lost/stolen card immediately; I am solely responsible for items lost/stolen by someone using my card if I haven’t reported it missing.
- Keep my library account up to date with correct address, phone and e-mail address.
- I will monitor the material my child selects and checks out on this card.
- I accept financial responsibility for all fines/charges incurred with this card.
- I accept full responsibility for supervision of my child’s use of the Internet.
"*" indicates required fields
Get requested items sooner
UAPL cardholders enjoy priority access to our print and eBooks.
2800 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, OH 43221
(614) 486-9621
1945 Lane Road, Upper Arlington, OH 43220
(614) 459-0273
1901 Arlington Ave, Upper Arlington, OH 43212
(614) 488-5710
Monday – Thursday: 10am – 8pm; Friday: 10am – 6pm; Saturday: 10am – 5pm; Sunday: 1pm – 5pm